How Long After Smoking Can I Breastfeed? 

For the first three to four hours after quitting smoking, you should wait to breastfeed your newborn baby. However, if you're unable to wait that long, you can pump or dump some of your breastmilk to keep your child full for the time being. This is particularly important because newborns need to feed more often during the first few weeks. In addition, breastfeeding helps protect your baby from respiratory diseases such as asthma and pneumonia. 
The first thing to know is that nicotine in your breast milk is transferred to your baby through the skin. This means that the infant will be exposed to nicotine for up to three hours after your last cigarette. This means that the longer you wait between the last time you smoke and the time you feed your baby, the less exposure your baby will receive to the effects of nicotine in your breast milk. In addition, if you smoke while you're breastfeeding, you should try to avoid smoking in your home, in your car, and anywhere near your baby. 
The best time to smoke is after breastfeeding. The first hour after smoking is the most effective. You can dump some of your breast milk if needed, but breastfeeding is better than formula. The second hour is also a good time to dump or pump some milk, but this is not always possible. In addition to dumping some milk, your newborn also needs frequent feedings. Besides, if you smoke after breastfeeding, your infant may not be able to digest the rest of the milk, making it harder to produce enough. 
When it comes to smoking, you'll also have to take into account the time before breastfeeding. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, the time between a cigarette and a feeding should be at least three hours. After that, it is okay to smoke a cigarette but not after nursing. If you're a smoker, however, you should wait a few hours after you've finished breastfeeding to smoke another cigarette. 
Studies have shown that smoking affects the baby's health. Even passively exposed infants to cigarette smoke will have less exposure to the substance. The more time between a breastfeeding session and a cigarette, the more time the baby is exposed to nicotine. When your breastmilk is saturated with nicotine, your baby is at a higher risk of asthma and SIDS. As a result, the longer you wait between the two events, the more breast milk your child will be exposed to. 
Although it is best to wait at least three hours before breastfeeding your newborn, you might be unable to wait that long if you smoke. You can either pump the milk or dump it to the breastmilk. In addition, you should wait at least a day before you try to nurse if you smoke. If you have just smoked, pour the excess milk away and wait for 3 to four hours before you feed your baby."